End-to-End Orchestration with ActiveBatch

Take an architectural, layered approach to automation with a unified, cross-platform workload automation and enterprise job scheduling solution

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The Rising Complexity of Today's IT Environments

Let's face it; your job isn't getting any easier. New applications and technologies need configuring, systems require constant updates and fixes, and business is becoming increasingly digital, requiring more reliance on IT and putting more pressure on IT operations than ever before. 

To add to this, over the years IT organizations have implemented platform or department-specific automation tools, resulting in a siloed approach to IT automation. For example, organizations may use automation systems contained in applications such as Informatica, SAPMicrosoft Dynamics AX, and others as well as job scheduling tools for batch processes, runbook automation tools for IT operations, and other tools for processes like file and data transfers. However, most IT and business processes are increasingly multi-platform, spanning dozens of applications and technologies. According to Gartner research, most organizations have between 3-8 different scheduling tools in their IT environment.

An Elemental vs. Architectural, Layered Approach to Workload Automation

Trying to manage the avalanche of complexity with multiple scheduling tools or custom scripts just isn’t cutting it. With this elemental approach to IT automation, you spend more time manually managing your islands of automation, scheduling silos, and scripts than you do actually innovating. 

A single point of control provides for an architectural, layered approach to IT automation to both coordinate existing application automation tools, consolidate other job scheduling tools, and address all of your end-to-end automation needs. A single point of control for everything from workload automation, to managed file transfer automation, to big data/Hadoop automation, to IT process automation, and more.

That's Where ActiveBatch Workload Automation Comes In

ActiveBatch is a workload automation and enterprise job scheduling solution that helps organizations coordinate, consolidate, and centralize their IT environments with a single point of control. Instead of having islands of automation consisting of multiple scheduling tools, each with their own licensing and support costs, as well as individual experts for each tool, ActiveBatch Workload Automation offers one unified, cross-platform, enterprise automation solution that reduces overall costs and simplifies business and IT processes. As a result, IT organizations become more agile and can meet the changing needs of today's businesses.

The Integrated Jobs Library

The Integrated Jobs Library offers hundreds of prebuilt, drag-and-drop Job Steps to reduce the need for custom scripting, so you can easily assemble end-to-end workflows and manage dependencies between disparate technologies and applications. 

API Jobs

ActiveBatch's Service Library offers full API accessibility with support for REST, WSDLs, .NET assemblies, command lines, and more. To create an API job, simply load an application's API into ActiveBatch, and the methods included in the application will immediately become visible and reusable in any workflow.

What ActiveBatch Users are Saying

“If it’s digital, ActiveBatch can do it.”

—System Administrator, First Rate

Be ready to automate anything.

Build and automate workflows in half the time without the need for scripting. Gain operational peace of mind with real-time insights, customizable alerting, and more.

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