Low-Code Automation and Script Optimization

Focus on the function, rather than the coding of workflows using hundreds of production-ready Job Steps and an intuitive graphical development environment

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The Status Quo

For most IT organizations, automation means groups of highly skilled developers, who spend much of their time writing and maintaining scripts. This approach hinders agile development, leaves little time for innovation, and makes the organization vulnerable in a time where changing business conditions is the norm.

ActiveBatch shifts the focus from coding to function, giving job authors the ability to build end-to-end workflows in less than half the time, allowing them to make progress on mission-critical projects and company priorities. ActiveBatch simplifies workflow development with prebuilt, pretested, production-ready Job Steps that eliminate the time spent researching, writing, and testing scripts. 

Largest Library of Automated Integrations

The ActiveBatch Integrated Jobs Library is a rich content library consisting of hundreds of production-ready Job Steps – out-of-the-box building blocks for commonly scripted actions and functions –  ready for assembly into IT and business workflows. 

The Integrated Jobs Library contains proven integrations for a wide range of applications, databases, platforms, and more, facilitating the passing of data and management of dependencies between disparate technologies. Organizations can easily accommodate key business and IT processes within a common framework, enabling true end-to-end automation for the entire IT environment.

Additionally, ActiveBatch Job Steps are designed, tested, and maintained by ASCI, the makers of ActiveBatch, ensuring the reliability and consistency of the integrations. Developers can focus on the functions of the integrations rather than the coding behind them. Consequently, workflow development is simplified and innovation is fostered within the IT organization and, by extension, the broader enterprise.

Content Library Integrations

Content Library Extensions

ActiveBatch Service Library

ActiveBatch Integrated Jobs Library is augmented by the ActiveBatch Service Library, a dynamic framework that extends ActiveBatch’s integration capabilities with additional actions from other applications. The Service Library enables users to load and execute APIs (WSDLs and SOAP Web Services, RESTful services, .Net assemblies, stored procedures, and command lines) and turn them into reusable Job Steps within the Integrated Jobs Library, without the need for custom coding.

Protect Existing Scripts

The function of a workload automation solution is to simplify and enhance coding, not replace it. Most organizations have a significant investment in scripts that were written for specific products, applications, or services. ActiveBatch helps organizations protect their existing scripts with script vaulting and lifecycle management capabilities (like auditing and versioning) and provides a central library for all scripts. ActiveBatch is a script-language independent solution with support for all scripting languages, including PowerShell, Python, VBScripts, and more.

Reuse Rather Than Rewrite

Users can create a Template Job with additional Reference Jobs that point back to the template, so that whenever a change needs to be made, the user simply needs to update the template which will automatically pass down the changes to the references. This removes the need for cut-and-paste and improves overall maintainability. 

Check-Out | Check-In

With ActiveBatch Check-Out | Check-In functionality, multiple developers can simultaneously work on the same object or objects for faster development and resolve any changes with ActiveBatch’s built-in conflict resolution tool.

Self-Documentation for Every Object and Workflow

Relying on custom scripting often means there is limited workflow development standards or documentation in place. Each developer has his or her own style, and there is often little visibility into that developer’s logic. All objects and workflows in ActiveBatch are self-documenting and provide a full audit and revision trail as well as policies requiring authorization before changes can be made.

What ActiveBatch Users are Saying

“If it’s digital, ActiveBatch can do it.”

—System Administrator, First Rate

Script less. Automate more.

Assemble built-in and custom no-code integrations and templates into end-to-end workflows for seamless orchestration. Proactively prevent job failures, minimize slack time and bottlenecks, and improve insight into your automated processes.

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