Drive Efficiency With Dynamic Resource Allocation

ActiveBatch gives you optimal utilization for your IT resources

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More actively control your machine utilization to meet changing organizational demands with ActiveBatch’s Dynamic Resource Allocation features. ActiveBatch gives you two ways to optimize your workload automation — with either Smart Queue or Heuristic Queue Allocation. 

Smart Queue gives you the scalability you need to keep pace with changing workloads, while Heuristic Queue Allocation uses machine learning to optimize your jobs across your existing machines.

ActiveBatch helps your organization achieve optimal performance without driving up costs or paying for unnecessary machines.

Identify System Usage With Machine Load View

ActiveBatch makes it easy to track system usage across all your machines. See which resources are being heavily used, lightly used or are available - and spot issues faster. With Machine Load View, you can see visual heat maps with refined performance counter graphs that show both your ActiveBatch and non-ActiveBatch processes.

Smart Queue Gives You The Scalability You Need For Today’s IT Demands

ActiveBatch Smart Queue uses both current system demands and historical data to allow your IT organization to dynamically scale resources up or down. When you have a flood of new jobs, Smart Queue gives you the ability to spin up new virtual machines so you can handle the demand. Once the jobs have been completed, Smart Queue spins down the excess virtual machines, preventing unnecessary spend and protecting your IT budget.

With Smart Queue, IT teams can optimize both their virtual and cloud environments while minimizing cloud costs. Smart Queue's emphasis on cost management enables IT to maximize ROI on cloud infrastructure.

ActiveBatch Uses Machine Learning To Maximize Throughput

ActiveBatch Heuristic Queue Allocation (HQA) uses machine learning to optimize your workload automation, reducing slack time. This technology uses Best Fit algorithms to determine patterns in your historical data and moves beyond the standard runtime average of a typical job and starts looking at how long it takes in reality for each day it runs.

HQA analyzes the historical instance data and jobs that are scheduled to run on a specific machine. Using that data, it determines a schedule for your jobs that ensures you get maximum throughput on each machine. HQA also ensures that no job has to wait longer to run than necessary.

Now you can optimize your jobs across your entire environment - from on-prem to both private and public cloud services. 

Using AIOps gives you the ability to drive workflow efficiency and reduce slack time in your jobs.

We Make It Easy To Manage Cloud Services

ActiveBatch brings together all your services and applications with a full range of integrations. We support: We also offer a low-code REST API adapter to give you greater extensibility so you can connect to enterprise services such as SharePoint, Salesforce, ZenDesk and more.

Ready to see how ActiveBatch can simplify your workload automation?

Our experts will show you relevant workflows in ActiveBatch so you see how it simplifies your automation environment. Get your questions answered as you see how easy it is to build and maintain your jobs in ActiveBatch.

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