ActiveBatch VMware Integration

Automatically spin up and spin down virtual systems with ActiveBatch's just-in-time resource provisioning capabilities within the ActiveBatch Extension for VMware

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Improved Operational Control for VMware

The VMware Extension for ActiveBatch leverages the operational management and deployment of virtual systems using VMware with a powerful set of production-ready Job Steps that are part of the Integrated Jobs Library to avoid the hidden expense associated with custom script development and maintenance.

The ActiveBatch Extension for VMware consists of Job Steps that allow data center users and developers the ability to more easily deploy and maintain virtual systems while incorporating them within workflows that can contain other applications, databases, and technologies inside or outside of the VMware infrastructure.

The ActiveBatch VMware Library incorporates the complete set of VMware events for improved operation control. VMware events (such as Power Up/Down, Reboot, etc.) can trigger ActiveBatch Plans and/or Jobs to perform a myriad of different tasks offering improved flexibility in utilizing virtual machine resources by performing on-demand processing that would otherwise require polling and incur time delays. VMware events are just one of a number of event classes (e.g. File, WMI, Email, MSMQ, Web Services, DB Trigger, etc.) that are supported by ActiveBatch.

Just-in-Time Provisioning with Smart Queue

ActiveBatch also supports the automatic provisioning of virtual resources via VMware, thus allowing ActiveBatch to intelligently provision virtual machines on the fly without the need to manually insert VMware Job Steps within each workflow. ActiveBatch's Smart Queue allows ActiveBatch to automatically provision virtual resources in real-time to ensure workflows that are currently executing or about to execute have adequate resources to successfully complete. Alternatively, ActiveBatch's Scheduling Analytics combines historical analysis and workload forecasting to ensure adequate reservation of resources for the successful completion of workflows whose completion is tied to a policy-based SLA.

The ActiveBatch Job Scheduler offers users a centralized point of control over all of your automation requirements using our versatile drag-and-drop interface to create and incorporate all workflows using any jobs, plans, or Job Steps from our Integrated Jobs Library with VMware Job Steps and events.

* The VMware Job Steps are an extension to the ActiveBatch Integrated Jobs Library and are licensed separately.

ActiveBatch VMware Job Steps

Create Snapshot

Remove Snapshot

Revert to Snapshot

Rename Snapshot

Exit Host Maintenance Mode

Enter Host Maintenance Mode

Disconnect Host

Reboot Host

Reconnect Host

Reboot Guest OS

Shutdown Guest OS

Standby Guest OS

Power On Virtual Machine

Power Off Virtual Machine

Suspend Virtual Machine

Rename Virtual Machine

Migrate Virtual Machine

Mark Virtual Machine as Template


ActiveBatch Resource

Download the ActiveBatch Extension for VMware Datasheet

Leverage your operational management of virtual systems using VMware with ActiveBatch's production-ready Job Steps.

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What ActiveBatch Users are Saying

“If it’s digital, ActiveBatch can do it.”

—System Administrator, First Rate

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